Thursday, June 4, 2015



Are you struggling with allowing your husband to lead or control the relationship. You may have a good reason not to let go of the reins.  Perhaps he is unemployed, not focused or a good steward, have an addiction or other weaknesses/challenges that causes you to not to have confidence in his ability to lead.  You may also be challenged by his ability to provide, protect or love you the way you want.  Today's pray is for you and necessary even if your husband scores high in these areas or you are challenged.  

TODAY'S PRAYER - (Revive Your Heart by Nancy Leigh DeMoss)
Pray that your husband will grow in leadership skills in your relationship—protecting and providing for you. Pray that he will lead you wisely and love you sacrificially, so that God will be glorified in your marriage. (Eph. 5:25-29; Col. 3:19)

Have You Been Praying or Complaining? 
Your prayer can be a complaint depending on its format. 
Here are some suggestions - Try it and watch God transform your relationship and give you the man of your dreams- the one you longed for and already have.  

  • Don't complain about what he does wrong - praise what he does right
  • Don't pray about your problems - pray with praise the solution
  • Don't complain about what he doesn't have - praise him for his abilities/talents
  • Don't pray about what he doesn't do - pray with praise on what he is able to do or achieve


Pray that your husband meets the criteria of these scriptures:
(A suggestive guide follows each verse but feel free to add with love and praise)

Ephesians 5: 25-29
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;  Praise God for His love for the church and for sending Jesus to die for the church- as you do begin to praise your husband for choosing you as his wife for the sacrifices he makes to provide for you- (if he is unemployed, unable to work or just doesn't want to work thank God for any skill sets or passion he has about a specific type of work) 

That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, -Pray that as Christ sanctify the church and brings you clean before Him through the word that your husband will be cleansed in his thoughts and would have an appetite for the word and seek God's leading through a right and clean spirit.

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. - Praise God that your husband is upright and holy, that he is a sanctified man of God that God's power rules and reigns in him governing his body and that his thoughts will continue to be pure and Godly.

So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.   Thank God that your husband is secured in himself as a man and that he is not challenged by insecurity or self esteem issues.  Ask Him to remove anything that suggest resentment, arrogance or self condemnation of his background, how he was raised, treated from his childhood or previous relationship.   Pray that he sees you as part of himself and he appreciates you as his partner and wife. 

For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: Thank God for divine health for your husband. Pray that your husband will take good care of his body, be disciplined and moderate with eating and lifestyle.  Pray also that God will give you insight on how to prepare healthy meals and encourage him to exercise, take his medicine (if needed) and develop healthy habits ie.. rest, sleeping, good hygiene etc.. 

Colossians 3:19 (KJV)

Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them Thank God for having someone to love you. Pray that God will help you to present yourself in a meek and humble manner that you will allow God spirit to speak to your husband as you pray for him. Praise God for your husbands qualities, strengths and ability to love you without regrets or comparison to others.  Pray that all memories of past hurts or regrets will be removed so he can love you sacrificially and without reservations. 

Activity:  Tell your husband over breakfast, or as he drives to work how much you value him as a provider (whether or not you work or make more money), encourage him to pursue either the education or technical training etc.. to develop a talent or pursue a career in a skill or passion.  

Don't complain - Praise  him for what he does well

Remember, as you pray today's prayer take a step back from taking charge and prayerfully let go the control to your husband trusting God will allow him to fulfill his role as your provider, spiritual leader and loving husband.  Encourage him to give ideas and suggestions of things that he will like to do for the relationship.  Pray that the order designed in scripture will be effective in your lives and that He will lead with Godly wisdom and not be influenced by outside or spiritual forces.

Make it a day of praising your husband- All for a better relationship and an exciting life!

God Bless and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel


  1. I have personalized this post to myself. It's so easy to speak what you see that's needed to be done rather than praise for the things that are dutifully done.

    Please share your thoughts on today's topic - Appreciate your feedback.

  2. I have to agree that I complain more than I praise, but because this challenge made me conscience, I started to uplift him more and not just for this challenge either. I am learning to practice complimenting him everyday and of course his reaction is a positive one which I end up benefiting from. It's not always easy, but I will continue to practice complimenting him until I succeed.


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