Let's Talk about - Mary's Extravagant Love!
There are things that we keep, save and treasure holding for a special moment or event.
Mary had something.. Joanna Weaver puts it this way.. "Mary couldn't get it over the counter at Walmart or perhaps not at Saks Fifth Avenue." It was expensive and many knew its worth.
Mary broke her alabaster box and poured over Jesus what is believed to be worth almost a year's saving. She knew her savior deserved not only the best but something that mattered most to her. Would she be willing to sacrifice it for her Master?
Mary had something.. Joanna Weaver puts it this way.. "Mary couldn't get it over the counter at Walmart or perhaps not at Saks Fifth Avenue." It was expensive and many knew its worth.
Mary broke her alabaster box and poured over Jesus what is believed to be worth almost a year's saving. She knew her savior deserved not only the best but something that mattered most to her. Would she be willing to sacrifice it for her Master?
Jesus Deserves the Best!!
Sometimes we struggle to give up something that we have saved for a special event or maybe even for a specific purpose. Example: monies... put away for college for children, purchase a home or car, future retirement security, health; extra food for the month; clothes and other goods; doing a deed that may take you out of your comfort zone etc..
What if Jesus came your way (note that he does not visit us personally but in various forms) and ask us to give up something or doing something which may require much sacrifice.
What are you holding in your treasury that's priceless that your Master is requiring today?
- Would it be a struggle for you to give it up? Why or Why not
May you be encouraged as you give up that one thing just for your Lord!
God Bless
Virtuous Jewel