Many athletes run in a race, but only one wins. All good athletes are disciplined and spends many hours in training. Good athletes must be temperate by getting adequate rest and sleep and maintain healthy eating and living habits.Good athletes run to win. They are prepared from their long and hard hours of training and they are focused on wining the medal or reward. They also must release themselves from things that make their running difficult.
1 Corinthians 9:24-25 (KJV)
Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
Good athletes deny themselves from comforts and pleasures that will hinder them from running the race. They will also have to make many sacrifices to stay fit. They will avoid...
Staying out late at nights
Alcoholic beverages and other harmful stimulants
Foods that are unhealthy and will make them sluggish
Getting their ego and pride in the way
Negativity and other self-demeaning talks
Good athletes will get a good trainer. One who is skilled, knowledgeable and understand the rules of the game and tactics of winning. They will also walk in the company of winners.
What are some of the characteristics and make up of a good athlete?
What qualifies them to win?
This is all done to receive a natural reward. This type of reward, even when maintain tarnishes or fades away with time.
Athletes who strive for the mastery is moderate and exercise self-control. They know that there are others in the race who have the potential to win as well. They remain focus by keeping the ultimate prize in mind.They also know there's a likely possibility of them not winning so they must follow the rules and run well.
2 Timothy 2:5 (KJV)
And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.
The reward means everything to the good athlete. They would do all that it takes to enter and win. Just like in the natural a good athlete would go at all ends to ensure that he is ready and able, so likewise a good spiritual athlete must be temperate and mindful.
He needs to be proper nourished in the word, must rest in the promise and have faith. He must avoid distractions and deny himself things that will cause him to lose the race. He must be diligent and watchful of distractions and have the guidance of his coach, the Holy Spirit.
No one is exempt from entering the race. However, the winners are those who are willing to enter, maintain themselves and strive to win.
Let's discuss:
Who qualifies to run the race?
What/who can disqualify you from the race?
What can hinder you from entering the race?
What can hinder you from winning?
What must you do to maintain yourself?
What is the ultimate prize?
Remember, run to win for the reward and medal that would not fade or corrupt. Though there are other athletes in the race, you have a chance of winning. You must obey the rules, train daily and deny yourself from the things that will affect you- Run to win life's best reward.
God Bless you and Keep the Faith!
Virtuous Jewel
Amen. Thanks for the encouragement. We must stay focus and never give up.