Theme Verse: Ephesians 5:29For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
Are you all cleaned up from yesterday?
Let's move on to phase 2. You will begin the process building on a few of the synonyms of the word intimacy such as: warmth, amity, a private cozy atmosphere let's begin the process.
This list of questions HAS everything to do with intimacy!!!Is your environment/atmosphere set for intimacy?
Are you clothes, shoes, tools, gadgets, all over the place reflecting a trail of where you took off your clothes, played your last game, had you last meal etc...?
Is your living room a living room, your kitchen a kitchen and other areas of the house and yard as it was designed for without having just a trail for walking?
Is your bedroom environment set for just you and your spouse or does it include everything and everyone?
Does she share the space with you and your work?
Do you need to get rid of broken/old things that are on your "one of these days I'll fix it" list?
Do you need to get rid of clothing/shoes, books, magazines, old/not working things....from once upon a time?
Can everyone tell what you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks because the evidence is there? (ie..wrappers, bottles, dishes, leftovers etc...)
Do you need to do a little touch up paint, or perhaps get a new bed/comfortable mattress, create/spruce up the intimacy quarters?
This is not for post-hurricane/disaster or other temporary situations, (ie.. small home, work projects ...), but does it seem like there's always a disaster at your house? .......
Let's get to work and clean up for the moment of bliss!
Get yourself a "me" corner - Put your favorite "toys", tools, necessary and important things there that way it won't interfere with the normal functioning of cleaning.
Sit in the family/living room- Try if you can not to have a television or game gadget in your bedroom.
Throw it Out - If it hasn't been used in a while get rid of it especially if you have a new one (unless it's something of value that can be sold and used-schedule to have it fixed)
Clean up after yourself- Learn to discipline yourself to do so. When you get up or shortly after throw your trash in the garbage, put your dish in the sink and pick up the things that fall or spill.
Check your atmosphere for intimacy- Invest in a good mattress or change the bed if it's broken. Get the windows, furniture and walls cleaned or painted. Create an atmosphere for intimacy by designing your room highlighted with various features, lighting, music system, mood enhancers etc..
Do a house renovation (does not have to include new things if it's not necessary) fix the doors, electrical wiring, windows, driveway and make your home comfortable and warm enough to come to.
Caution: Don't do this grudgingly or criticizing and with no pressure on your spouse with words, like, I'm doing this for you, you better- no threats or even a promise request!
Don't be discouraged if she doesn't receive it at first or perhaps question your motive. Just do it- Get Close up!
Watch God in the next 28 days!
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#28daystolovingmywife or
Taking the risk-training to enhance your marriage and give the next generation a change to emulate.
God Bless you and Keep the Faith!
Virtuous Jewel
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