Tuesday, August 25, 2015



Today, I just want to bring you to a conscious awareness of the things we do and are not aware of and can be applied to our trust or lack of trust in God.  

On occasions I find myself talking to the dogs - This is how it goes...
Hey Tyler, what's up?
King you OK? 
The other two (Have different names) What going on you two?
When I'm leaving the house- Tyler and King be good take care of business.

Some people talk to their plants and flowers. I've heard people speak to fruit trees and tell it to bear, give commands to their pets, some people even speak to the dead at funerals, some people speak to their cars to start, speak to people on TV especially on the game shows giving them answers, fussing at players of their favorite sports/teams, some have conversations with people when they are not present out loud and the list goes on and on......

I'm not speaking of the mentally challenged individuals, but normal regular people who do this with consciousness- The strange thing is while we have never gotten an audible answer we would do it over and over again. I know that the dogs didn't answer when I left, but when I get back home I say hi to them and ask how did they do sometimes - were they good or chased away strangers or visitors...... 

Why do we continue to speak to these things that we know will never be able to answer us?   We may be challenged as we look and see that they have not responded or perhaps changed for the worse.  Sometimes we may seek help or get involve in things that may get us in trouble or not considered as appropriate behavior/conduct. I've seen and heard of people kick the dog or give a non performing pet away, cut down the tree that's not bearing, turn to other mediums etc...

On the other hand, think about this though....
They may have answered with a bark or respond to a command, the fruit tree may have answered by bearing fruits and the plants may have answered by blooming and growing beautifully etc..   

What do you think caused the result?
While you reflect on the above make a list of some of the ways that you have gotten a response to some of the things that your do in the natural, and then be mindful of today's focus.


For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8)

Reflecting on the things we do conversation above, why do we not speak to our Heavenly Father on a regular basis or converse more often about the things that we desire or what concerns us? Many people may say He does not answer or He is so far away.  He may not have answered the time you wanted, or perhaps he answered you differently.  

Have you considered....
Has He not answered with a job, a child, protecting you from evil, saved you from an accident/tragedy or that relationship that didn't continue, the business deal that went down, given you health and strength to go through the loss, pain, or brokenness. Has He ever caused you to go hungry or kept you in your right mind when you went through the fires of trials/hell..... saved you washed you from your sins/past, gave you hope of a bright and eternal future?

The next time you feel like God hasn't heard you or is not talking back to you, look around you and count your blessings.  Look for Him in the small things and be forever THANKFUL for the things He did or didn't allowed- You could have had a more unpleasant result or perhaps even been dead!  Take time today to think of the things you have spoken to God about- The imaginary and or prayerful conversations you have had with your Daddy and consider:
How has He answered?
Are there tangible evidences?
What Has he Held back from you?
Are you open to His blessings that are packaged different from what you expected?
Are you thankful for the small things?

Remember, be mindful of the things you speak to God about.  God ways are not our ways.  He sees the end of a thing from the beginning.  Sometimes He may answer through a word of scripture or wants you to draw to Him in the silence.  Listen for His voice, watch for the answer, and accept the result even if it's packaged differently and when He say's no - Know it's for your good and His purpose.  Have faith in God!

God Bless you and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel

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