Chapter 11 continues with the rhythm of the balance.
Sometimes the balance between the two often times may resemble the up-and-down, back-and-forth motion of the teetertotter than of synchronicity.
One side of your life may take predominance at times. One day you may spend several hours in prayer, bible study or spiritual intimacy, and another time you may find yourself wrapped up in service.
This may happen from time to time. As long as you set your balance and there is evidence that both are happening, don't worry.
Planning is Everything
If you plan to do a week of spiritual activities or attend a retreat, you may not have time to do some of your duties. So plan ahead, schedule or assign them to someone. Always ask the Lord to help you schedule and plan your day or week. Don't try to count the hours spent doing both for balance. You may want to spend a day in prayer and fasting, or a day just resting and reading don't look at it as if your day was not balanced if you have scheduled your duties and spread them out and can spend the day as you choose. You may have a day where you were out doing community work and made up with that day.
As long as you balance the two don't feel frustrated.
Because we were created for balance we can always feel the difference when our souls are out of balance or when an area is tilted too far than the other. Our moods, attitudes, behaviors and energy level will demonstrate which area needs to be tilted.
Today, I ask that you give heed to your soul and sit down and do a balance checklist. Our book gives us some signs but I would like you to do our own checklist. (If you have your copy of your book you can review the one given, but there maybe some things not listed)
- How are you feeling right now as it relates to being balanced?
- Are you tilted in the are of work or worship?
Let's do a little exercise today.....
Depending on how you answered above list the things that have caused or causing you to be tilted. You can share a little story of your balanced or tilted life.
Make a list also of all the things that you have to do as a routine with both service and worship
(perhaps committee, community, church or other activities, family and other engagements)
Give that list to God in prayer and ask him to help you develop a schedule that will help you to fulfill them without tilting over or feeling frustrated.
As you let the Holy Spirit guide you commit to be balanced. Don't copy anyone's schedule, but what will work for you. Let me also let you know that your schedule will change as you seek to find balance, so be flexible and open to change.
Remember balance is not just finding and staying in perfect equilibrium but a matter of finding the perfect rhythm for you.
God Bless and Keep The Faith!
Precious Jewel
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