God's Plan VS Your Plan
I can truly identify with Joanna Weaver's illustration of her gift experience from my own personal experience. I am sure you too can share the same thoughts as it can be disappointing to receive something very different from what you expected.
We are very guilty of the statement..
"So often we give God the gift we think He needs rather than take time to find out what He desires." How true! We make so many resolutions, promises and commitments to change, assist, visit, volunteer and even take on assignments over and above our abilities which leaves us drained, frustrated and regretful. We get so overwhelmed and overextend in service that we don't have time for what we are personally assigned and called to do.
We think we can do it all. Our abilities and capabilities are limited.
As stated in Romans 12 the body of Christ has many members and each has a different gifting. We must allow each member to do their part in their areas of strength.
Sometimes what we want to do may not be God's plan for us. His plans are that of good and not of evil to bring us to an expected end. How tiresome, burdensome and even grievous are some of the things we assume and claim to do for God. Your interest, knowledge, concern or even compassion is not a sign that God is asking you to take on that need or assignment. God may be asking your insight or help to find and pray for the right person or direct you to the individuals that can carry on that task. You may also be stealing or preventing a blessing of someone else by trying to do it yourself.
Don't assume a plan or an assignment from eagerness or guilt but wait on God and be assured that this is HIS plan for you. It is very important that you carry out God's plan for your own personal assignment and not be too exhausted with activities and rocks not in the assigned plan for your life.
TODAY'S FOCUS (MHMW Study Group) - What does God desire from you?
Have you ask God What are His plans for your Life?
Although God wants us to serve and do service to others, and our faith must be accompanied by actions, it is important to know if that's His plan for you or for someone else.
This chapter made me more aware that God is not only looking for maids, cooks, typist, bus drivers or other service technicians - he is looking for a people to call His very own. As His child he will place us to serve but necessary to serve as we are skillfully equipped.
Martha's efforts, hard work and hospitality were commendable, but Mary chose the one thing...
It was not in the kitchen or in the cleaning up and preparations.
God wants to live and communicate with us in a least busy place. The kitchen is where all the activities of preparation comes but the living room is spotless, neatly arranged, sweetly scented and reserved for special guests. Martha was so busy that she forget to entertain the guest of Honor.
Intimacy Can Be Threatening
Today God wants intimacy. Intimacy can be threatening because it exposes everything about us. Some of us are afraid that if we get close to God He will see all our faults, sins, habits and all other short comings. The truth is we may want to hide them or may not want to give them up. Guess what? HE ALREADY KNOWS!
We understand that it's not always easy to get intimate with someone. It may be a matter of trust, or being uncomfortable. It may require going outside the box or leaving your comfort zone. Some may not want to express their emotions or unable to sit still etc.... But as the writer states, "Regardless of our temperament, regardless of our emotional preference, we are all called to intimacy with God!
Do you long for intimacy?
As a child longs for intimacy from a parent so as children of God we
need intimacy with our heavenly Father. To get that we need to be in His presence.
Today He's calling us to intimacy -
Our own agendas are at times for us to feel accepted by others; feed our egos; make us feel important; show off ourselves; get noticed; offend and show shortcomings of others etc...
At times it even gives us an opportunity to express our pride, prejudice or cover our guilt.
Let's keep it real - ASK....
What's hindering me from entering in the living room of intimacy with God?
What am I afraid to expose or get exposed?
What don't I want to give up?
Today I encourage you to get out of the kitchen of your busyness and go into the living room.
Ask Him to reveal the things that are hindering you from sitting still in His presence.
Ask Him to reveal His plan for your day and your life.
Come just as you are. He is waiting.....
Invite Jesus to rule and reign
Ask God to reveal the next step
Have faith that what needs to get done will get done
Be open to the Spirit's leading.
Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. - Proverbs 16:3
Precious Jewel