Friday, August 30, 2013



Passion, Compassion and Power

If you have a true passion for God the result will be compassion for others and that will give you God's power!  Not for yourself or for your own glorification but for the glory of God.

Read the illustrative story in Acts 3 where Peter and John demonstrated..
Passion - pursuing after God by going to the temple regularly at the hour of prayer

Compassion - They didn't walk on by but stopped to aid the lame man.  Even if they didn't possess any silver or gold they had compassion for the need. 

Power - The power of God moved when their passion and compassion where connected with the Spirit of God.  It wasn't charity, but the power of God!

What do you have to Offer?

Peter and John had nothing to offer in themselves, but they were able to help because they were connected to the vine.  Our message must be with more than just enticing words but of power.  

We must release ourselves to be used by Him.  We must allow our passion for God to move with compassion to offer help and demonstrate God's power to others. 

We must also always remember that the power and ability is not to showcase ourselves but demonstrate the power of God at work is our lives. 

TODAY'S FOCUS:  For discussion let's talk about ..........

  • Share a personal testimony where you demonstrated passion/compassion/power

  • What do you have to offer in your kitchen that's evidence of  God's power at work in you?

  • How is God's power manifested in your life?

  • How is Christ sticking out all over you?

As we consider the above we must understand that only God can make us whole.  We must be filled with His love and His power, and gifted with the privilege of sharing Him with the world not only in words but in power. 

Let's go forward with Christ sticking out all over us and sharing His love to the world around us.

God Bless and have a demonstrative and powerful Kitchen Service life.

Keep the Faith

Precious Jewel

Thursday, August 29, 2013




I was knocked out by the statement, "God doesn't come to sign our guest book.  He comes to make us His own." 
God wants us to join Him to serve not force Him to accept our plans and schemes.  We don't need to impress Him but be available to serve and respond as He leads and directs. 


Another thing do we go by the way we feel or when we feel to act out His plans?  There are times we have to go out of our way, beyond what is required or expected and even when we don't have the know how to. 


This last one really was an eye opener.  We must not limit ourselves to what we like or feel is our gift or position, but we must make ourselves willing to serve wherever it's our field of gifting or expertise.  If we do so, we may loose the opportunity to assist someone who may never get help by anyone else. 

Truly when we show God that we are willing to serve, he will lead us and direct us where he chooses for us to serve! 

Summary: On our Way/Gong out of our Way/Serving in all Kinds of Ways
  1. God doesn't come to sign our guest book. He comes to make us his own. 
  2. We need to watch to see where God is working and Join Him
  3. When we minister on the way, every day becomes an adventure
  4. Don't respond out of duty but out of compassion
  5. Don't pick the service that feels comfortable and convenient
  6. Working from our God-given gifts releases ministry potential in greater measure and helps the various members of the body work harmoniously.
  7. Practice hospitality, and share with God's people in need
  8. Always give yourselves freely to the Lord.
  9. When we surrender ourselves to be used by God, we don't always get to pick the time, the method, or the place of ministry. 
  10. The key is not in our activity, but in our receptivity to God's voice and in our willingness to serve.
A.  Self-Evaluation
  1. Using the list above check off the areas that you see weakness in yourself.
  2. After doing that write an alternative method/action you will use instead. 

B.  Share your Testimony in any of the three principles
(Reviewing the sections, please share your experience of fruitful kitchen service)
  1. On your way
  2. Out of your way
  3. All kinds of ways
May God bless you today as you look out for the divine appointments popping up along your way.

Keep the faith!

Precious Jewel

Wednesday, August 28, 2013



As you serve God and serve others are you in tune with His presence?

Do you sense Him only when you attend church services and church activities?

Brother Lawrence wrote:
The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament.

Our joy should be constant because we live in His presence whether we are in church out of church, praying or serving.  This can only be as a result of seeking Him in intimacy.  It should be a daily prescription, a daily walk. 

Note that Jesus did not rebuke Martha but simply exposed her attitude in serving.   If our attitude is right our service will be joyful.

Are you serving with the right attitude?  Remember, "Service without spirituality is exhausting and hopeless. But in the same respect, spirituality without service is barren and selfish."  Therefore, it is very important that we have the right connection and balance between the two.  It will definitely bring joy to us as we go about doing our daily chores.  We will begin to see God in our labor, bring peace to our minds and serve with gratitude. 

TODAY'S FOCUS:  God's Kitchen Patrol
Which one of these can you engage and serve in today:
  • God's Secret Service:  Find ways to serve anonymously. (send a note, sponsor someone, pay a bill etc..)

  • Give a cup of cold water in His name: (Volunteer to do drinks for homeless shelter or hand out water in the mall etc..)

  • Look for your "angel unaware":  (accepting to serve needy person or rescuing someone along the way)

  • Comfort with the same comfort you have received:  Seek someone you can provide comfort to who is experiencing the same pain or hurt like you.  (A broken or troubled relationship, someone who is grieving etc..)
Whatever you choose to do today - SERVE WITH JOY!

God Bless and Keep the faith!

Precious Jewel

Tuesday, August 27, 2013



We read the sad statement of Mahatma Gandhi, "If Christians lived according to their faith, there would be no  more Hindus left in India."

We also hear the statement people say that we should not follow people but follow Christ.

But the question is, how do we follow Christ?  Definitely by following His people.

The word of God states:
  • We are a letter of Christ known and read by everyone!

  • We are imitators of Christ!



    •  Are you worthy of your lineage?

  • A tree is identified by the fruit it produces!

    • Are you bearing the fruit of your tree?


A look at the fruit of our lives include the following:

  1. The fruit of our lips - Hebrews 13:15
  2. The fruit of our deeds - Colossians 1:10
  3. The fruit of our Attitudes - Galatians 5:22-23
After reading the character of the above fruits, ask yourself....
  • Which of these need work?
  • Can people follow me and see Christ fruit in me?
  • Is my fruit from a different tree?
Today, let's check our words, check our actions and check our attitudes. 

It's not good enough we talk about being called a Christian -

Express your thoughts on the above and tell us how are you a letter of Christ and what fruit demonstrate that you are worthy of your lineage?

Keep the Faith - God Bless!

Precious Jewel


Friday, August 23, 2013



Today we wrap up our Back to School Week for children.  I apologize for not coming on yesterday, but we have a two for one combo for you today. 

YESTERDAY - THURSDAY  - I have heard many parents and other individuals say...
I don't buy anything less than brand name for my child, niece, nephew etc.... 
Some people have even spoken unkindly of gifts given to them in a negative way that were not brand named.   

When a baby who is not walking has a $50 + size 0 shoes on that was not a gift, but rather the fact "my child" need to have brand name we need to talk...

Please note that we are not speaking of getting a good sale on brand name goods, but the mentality, "if it's not brand name it won't go on my child."  

Does the phrase, "I Give my child the best" have to be brand name items?

So yesterday's question asked in today's combo is ....

  • Do you think that parents should buy brand name goods rather than regular clothing shoes etc....?   Why? Why Not?

  • Do you feel the money should be redirected or be used for another purpose etc....?

Have you heard the term, "children need their privacy"? 
What privacy? 
  • Do you believe children should have their own privacy?  (ie... locked rooms, private conversation, unsupervised company etc..)
Should children who live under your roof pay no bills be able to lock you out of the room claiming they need their privacy? Allowed to go every and anyway alone without being questioned?  

Come on talk to me?  Keep it positive!

Have a blessed weekend and may you have a peaceful and God directed parent/child school year!

Keep the Faith!

Precious Jewel

Wednesday, August 21, 2013



Proverbs 29:15 KJV states...
The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. 

This scripture holds most truth as I watch children in churches, supermarkets and shopping malls run up and down the aisle, scream yell and cry for things, throw tantrums even hit their parents.  Sometimes parents are embarrassed at the behaviors, but yet they will not discipline them. 

Some claim that they are too small, they are kids, you even hear the term "kids will be kids" and they are allowed to break and destroy their stuff, touch adult stuff, parents have to move things out of their way in the home etc....

Today many parents, government and other agencies are against using the rod (beating) as a means of correction and discipline. 

Today for various reasons children are reporting parents to these agencies when they are disciplined, and because of this many parents are fearful and reluctant to beat their children. 

 I know this may be another touchy and sensitive subject especially to parents and other adults who do not believe in using the rod of correction.  Again I ask that we share and comment with respect. 


 Note: We are NOT discussing today child abuse or aggressive assaults but required disciplines, a slap, a good belting or whipping that is not in any form of outrage or harm.

LET'S TALK:  What are you views on the five (5) questions below:
  • Do you think the rod, (belt, slap whip etc..), should be used as a form of correction?  Please state why or why not

  • At what age should children be beaten with the rod?

  •  What are your thought on "Spare the rod and spoil the child"?

  • What are your views on the term, "Kids will be Kids?

  •  Should the rod of correction be done in public?
I REALLY would like your feedback. Please voice your feelings and comments.
Also please feel free to share with your friends/family circles.

God Bless

Precious Jewel

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Is Monetary Allowance Mandatory or Necessary at all?

Many parents, family members and others give monetary allowance, payments for chores and gifts to children as they complete chores, get good grades, birthdays, gifts etc....

Reports have stated that children are seen in schools, shopping malls and other places with large sums of monies received from various sources.  Many children have even been assaulted and robbed in the process.  As we look at today's blog how can we avoid some of the money issues with our children. 


  • Should children be given monetary compensation for doing chores, getting good grades, for gifts etc.... ?
    •  If yes, why and at what age should they be compensated?
    •  If no, why not/what other compensation would you recommend?

  • Should children be given their own monies to shop for their own clothes, gifts etc...?
    • Why or Why Not?
  • What values should we teach our children about money?

Please let me hear from you.  These are very important subject that impacts the lives of our children.

God Bless and always remember to keep the faith!

Precious Jewel

Monday, August 19, 2013



Is it safe to say, gone are the days when neighbors look out for on another, children use the school nurse or principal's office to call a parent; an aunt, uncle or other family member would be engaged in the lives of our children etc..??

Today there are many reasons we give for giving children from as early as 6 year olds a cell phone...
Their birthday present, to play games, to be able to call home in case of an emergency, we even get spiritual and say for them to read the bible and listen to gospel music and the list goes on and on.

This maybe another sensitive topic of discussion, and I ask again that we keep it real but respectful. 


  1.  Should children be given a cell phone?
  2.  In what instance or purpose?
  3.  At what age should they be allowed one?
  4. Should they be given a time to use it or should they be monitored?
  5. What alternative if any would you give?

As you respond bear in mind the costs involved, your financial situations and other areas that are compromised.  Can these monthly payment be used for other essentials and giving. 

Let's hear from you today, and feel free to share on your Facebook, with your friends and family circle. 

GOD BLESS and Keep the Faith!

Precious Jewel

Sunday, August 18, 2013



This week we will be discussing some areas as it relates to our children.  We are aware that there are many other topics of importance to others but we just want to take time to discuss a few this week.

 As there may be areas that may appear sensitive to some we ask that:

  • You keep your discussion ONLY on the topic as we have others for the week and want to keep the focus.  (You may make suggestions for other topics at the end of your comments) 
  • You be respectful to yourself and the opinions of others.
  •  Don't take anything  in the posts personal. 
  • If you see yourself guilty or anything discussed suits you, use it as a door of opportunity for adjustment and change applicable. 
We do hope that you will share your thoughts, provide feedback and engage in healthy discussions. 


Many parents or children caregivers (nursery attendants etc..) state that children are bored, can't sit still or need to be entertained while they are inside of the church.  Therefore, they bring their toys, coloring books, dolls, and other distracting items to keep their children busy while they (adults) engage in worship and listen to the word. 

Let's engage in a healthy discussion on the following questions:

  •  Do you think Parents or caretakers should bring toys, games, crayons, coloring books, other books etc... to keep the children's attention in church? Why/Why Not

  • In your opinion what do you think created or resulted in that need?

  • Do you think it's the church responsibility or the parents responsibility to have them disciplined or the situation corrected?

  • What do you recommend to parents or to the church for children who need the above to be quiet or controlled?

Let's talk.....  I will be following up with some comments and suggestions of my own

Please share on your Facebook, email etc.... Invite your friends and family for a week of healthy discussion that can provide an opportunity of blessing and bring about change.

God Bless you....  Remember to Keep the faith

Precious Jewel

Friday, August 16, 2013


Conclusion of Living Room Intimacy

Today we conclude the final section of Chapter 5 -  Living Room Intimacy, from our Bible Study series, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver.


Q.  How do we maintain that intimacy?


Sin interrupts the life-flow we need to grow, bloom and bear fruit.  It stops the connection to our blessings and short circuit our communication to hearing from God.

Q.  What must we do?

Just like you do to your house - Do to your Heart!

Everyday make it your assigned duty to watch your ways, check your connection, see if anything, (sin) clutters your wiring - confess and forsake them.  Daily seek to please and honor God.  In doing this you will remain connected.  Sin will separate and severe the connection.  Repent and Live!

Conscious repentance leads to unconscious holiness.  (Oswald Chambers)

Today's Focus:  HOLINESS IS THE KEY to staying connected. 

Know that Holiness is a work of the spirit - Not from efforts of the flesh.  Therefore we must stay attached to the vine to remain holy.  The only way is through the Living Room Intimacy, staying close, making time to communicate with Him in prayer and in the word. 



Let Jesus go through our spiritual house (The Body) and do some housekeeping in the areas of need. Here are a few suggestions.  Please feel free to add to the list:

Mind -  Bad thoughts, negative thinking, oppression, perversion....
Heart - Hatred, jealousy, un-forgiveness, maliciousness, unhappiness....
Eyes -   Deception, evil, greed, envy,  lust........
Mouth - Forwardness, gossip, slander, profanity, criticism, negative words.....
Hand -  Defile, slothfulness, stealing, laziness.....
Feet -   Waywardness, walking in ungodliness, wandering,

After you have cleaned up your house put on the sweet fragrance of praise and give God the honor, glory and praise.  In that intimacy you will be grafted, reconnected or more secured to the Vine. 

Remember, it's your responsibility to stay close and abide in the Vine, for the branch cannot bear fruit except it abides in the Vine.

Tune in next week for Chapter 6 - Kitchen Service.

Please share with your friends and family.  I also encourage your comments and feedback. 


Precious Jewel

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Your Connection Source - John 15:5

Your connection must be sound, secure and stable in order to produce.  The word says if we abide in Him, He will abide with us.  As the vine cannot bear fruit of itself so we cannot bear fruit or have the power unless we abide in the main tree. 

Here are a few examples.....
An iron though it produces heat to iron out the wrinkles in your clothes and can burn you terribly, if not connected to the power source and turn the switch on it is as cold as any other piece of metal.  

A mango branch attached to the tree at its season will bud out and bring forth sweet juicy mangoes.  However, if that same branch gets detached and sits on the side during the blooming season, it WILL NOT bring fruit because it's not attached. 

In like manner based on those two examples we CANNOT, WILL NOT, NEVER WILL bear fruit, have power and victory unless we spend time in a relationship and remain attached to the main vine - Christ. 

Remember..... "Its the tree, not the branch, that determines the fruit!"
Vine needs branches to produce the fruits, branches need vine to attached to bear the fruits.   

Today's Focus:  STAYING CLOSE


The following song always bring me to the throne room with expectation and peace.
Sweet hour of prayer, Sweet hour of prayer that calls us from a world of care... Sweet hour of prayer.

Prayer is the entrance to intimacy.  It's like speaking your deep feelings, thoughts, failures, dreams and future with a trusted friend.  It's your time to praise, thankfulness, adoration, worship and to communicate with Him.  And as you pray, remember communication is very important for a good relationship.  It must also be two way - you talk, then listen. 

Read the Word -  That's where He reveals Himself, His plans and will for you, disciplines you, comforts you and instructs you on your next move and more..... Make it a part of your daily walk. 

Take TIME Out for God - No relationship can survive if there is no time for intimacy.  The relationship usually suffers for a lack of it.  More so you open up for temptation because intimacy is very crucial.  It's in taking time out you know what's in the heart and mind of God.  Don't lose out on what He has for you, but take the time out to be in His presence. 

I ask you "NOW" to revisit your schedule and pencil in your time with God. You don't have to make it a duty or task in hours or minutes.  However, I trust you will seek to do so early in the morning so He can help you to prioritize and direct your schedule, throughout the day take a few breaks with Him as your restructure and reorganize, and at the close of the day fall into His arms with thanks so He can caress your weariness and give you good sleep.  You already have the place to meet Him.  Make the time - go meet Him there.  I assure you your day will be more productive, more rewarding and your evening more soothing.

Remember stay close to God! GOD IS LOVE!  You will wither outside of Him.

Let's talk..... Share your thoughts and ideas
How do you talk to God?
What are your times?
What has He revealed to you in your time of prayer?
What are your experiences?

Abide in Him and Keep the faith

Precious Jewel


Wednesday, August 14, 2013


How is Your Devotional Life?

Like the author of our study, my temptation has been disciplines of my spiritual life.  Yes, I struggled there for most of my walk because of my MARTHA'S "Busyness" life style.  I thought the more I did the more I would make other people happy and help them, yet I was still not satisfied.  In all that I did, frustration and fear was a great part of my life, and the lover of my soul craved for my attention. 

Women - Sisters how often we feel that we wish our husbands would spend more time with us than he works? 
Truth be told, we long for Him to take time out of his busy schedule to sit with us. A day off from work won't hurt especially weekends.  Sometimes we just want to be hugged close and held gently.
Jesus wants that kind of attention with us.  He has some things to say to us that can only be told in quietness and stillness.  Not when we are busy running around meetings, charity and community events, church programs and even bible study group meetings.  These are great but He wants His time alone with you.  Alone time for Him to unfold His will and purpose to you and only you. 

I have come to appreciate that, and what an experience.  It's because of those times with Him you can have these sessions and daily blog.  It's an experience I will  not trade.  I still have difficulties because of many distractions.  But I am more disciplined than I used to be.  And Oh the blessings I have received from those times alone.  Oh there are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord.....


Today's Focus:  MAKE ROOM FOR HIM

Christ wants to spend quality time with you. 
Let's make a place for Him to meet daily. 

You may not have an extra room or space in your home but you can read the creative examples of the women who created a room or place to sit with their Savior every day. 
Some suggestions:  A couch, or chair or spot in a corner
                                 Closet space, extra room, or a room of your home (living room)
                                 Mobile basket where you can go outside or convenient spot
                                 Garden, tree, backyard spot or somewhere quiet away from noise
                                 Other _______________________

Put your bible, journal or devotion, note pad, pen, reading book, anointing oil, candle etc... and make that place special.  I am telling you, I set mine up and it's an atmosphere that is the most serene and inviting.  Just to know that He awaits me there.  The joy we share as we tarry there, NONE other has ever known. 

Go ahead........ SET UP YOUR PLACE TODAY!
Remember God wants to live in your heart.  This is just a meeting place.  Not a place to put Him just for the weekend or for spare time, but to enjoy His presence and rest from busyness.


Max Lucado states, "God wants to be your dwelling place"

God bless you

Precious Jewel

Tuesday, August 13, 2013



Today I would like to minister to you in this blog as we reflect on two sections of chapter 5 Barriers to Intimacy and Spiritual Snicker Bars. 

Please give your feedback.

It is established that the enemy of our lives is the main barrier to intimacy with God.
Before we are saved, he tells us we don' need salvation or a Savior.  He shows us how happy we are compared to some Christians and tells us what we will lose if we turn to Jesus.

After we are saved, he tells us we are no good and don't deserve a Savior. He tries to remind us of all the things we have done and the condition of our lives  He is a  LIAR!

If he cannot work on our minds with these thoughts, he keeps us "BUSY"! The trick with that is, it's busy with not just our personal life but with a lot of God things busyness.  Hello - OUCH!

As we look at the story of Teri Myers, yes, a pastor's wife, we see her fussing like Martha to prepare made her munch on snickers which filled her hunger hole, but she was not able to enjoy the main course she worked so hard to prepare. 

I WAS ONCE GUILTY OF "BUSYNESS" - (Still working on it as we speak)

Like Teri I too have fallen into that routine.  I was an angel to every cry, "yes" woman to every request, my day was filled with activities, my agenda booked for "God" appointments but at the end of the day I was still hungry and unfilled. 

Yes, it was my "God Hole" crying out for more.  Not more activities, but more God.  I was overburdened.  I had rocks belonging to everyone and mine was at the bottom.  I struggled to catch up only to add more duties on my already filled "to-do" list. 

But God, who is so rich in mercy and love through His Holy Spirit lead me to accept His beckoning to the living room and Joanna Weaver's book that we are doing now, to really sit in His presence and hear what He has to say and the rock he wants me to carry.  Thank You Jesus. 


1.  What fills your GOD HOLE?  Look at the following examples or add yours.

Loneliness - Entertaining yourself with phone calls, ungodly visitors, television/internet, movies, shopping...... ?

Ungodliness - Covering up with lies, gossiping, jealousy, grudging, evil speaking, partying, perversion, justifying your actions.... ?

Busyness - Busybody, education, work, housework, children, church activities, social events.... ?

Lack - Settling and compromising, extensive borrowing, stealing, (to include not giving and tithing), illegal activities....?

2.  What activities fill up your hunger or prevent you from being in His presence?

Is it service for others, service for God, personal activities/appointments, work, entertainment, laziness/procrastination .....?

3.  Are we stacking up on spiritual snicker bars or other junk food instead of eating real food?

TV, books/magazines, meetings, phone conversations, friends.....?

 "Make no mistake. Satan enjoys using our hectic schedules, stressed bodies and emotional upsets in his efforts to put up barriers to our intimacy with God. That's why we need to ...  take a close look at any thought, feeling or activity that diminishes our appetite for intimacy with God."

Let's not be too embarrass to share and or express our thoughts today.
Your story may encourage and help change someone's life.

SO LET'S TALK.....  Please give your feedback and SHARE this with everyone.

God bless and Keep the faith.

Precious Jewel

Monday, August 12, 2013


The Burden of Spirituality

How does one receive intimacy with God?  Is it in spiritual zeal or bizarre acts and rituals?

Is it in Simon's story building his 60 feet pillar, Hinduism - karma of good works, Far East cultures of hooks under their skin pulling wagonloads of rocks, Devout Mexicans crawling miles on their knees in pilgrimage or some of the burdens placed by religious leaders or those we have created ourselves?

GOD DOES NOT ASK US TO DO THAT -  HE HAS ALREADY MADE THE WAY FOR US!  None of these acts or good deeds cannot bring Him closer.  All we need is to go in His presence.  The veil has been torn, the barrier has been removed and the access is available to all.  HALLELUJAH!

Sometimes we may feel unworthy.  So we try to change and do all kinds of things for God to accept us.  God does not want us to fix anything.  He wants to do the fixing and the changing.  That's why He sent His son to die to redeem us and bring us back in fellowship with Him.  It's not by works but by His grace.  Ephesians 2: 12-16.


We reflect on the story of the young man who left the Old Country and sailed to America to make a new life in the New World.  Not knowing that he purchase an all inclusive package when he bought his ticket, he almost starved thinking he only had to eat from the portions he brought along with him. 

Our resources are limited - God is our SOURCE!

The young man stayed in his cabin,  and sometimes peeped inside of the bounty room.  He heard chatty laughter and often watched waiters served hot steaming food.  Yet he did not dare to go in.  Had he done that he would have received the knowledge much earlier and avoid the pains and pangs of hunger. 

How often we shortchange ourselves from God's best because we limit ourselves from the daily portions He has already provided.   Why suffer as a pauper when we are princesses, queens and kings.  Let's go into the living room and feast on the word so we can gain the wisdom and knowledge and eat of His provision.  It's an all inclusive package.  THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID!

The enemy keeps building barriers to block our spiritual intimacy. 

Today we will be doing some DEMOLITION WORK - Let's ask.....

What barriers are keeping me from having living room intimacy with God?

Which ones can I easily give up and why?

Which ones are more difficult to let go and why?

Remember, "When we couldn't reach up to heaven, heaven came down to us and welcomed us into the Living Room through the doorway of Jesus Christ.  That is the good news of the gospel!"

Won't you Come..... Come into the Living Room of His presence.

Keep the faith!

Precious Jewel

Friday, August 9, 2013



I had the most shocking revelation this morning, (not that I did not know), but it slapped me into reality of my own experience.  I know that you too are right there with me. 

"God did not choose us to "use" us.  We are not that important!  Only in Him - Hello?

We work so hard, put in so much time effort and energy in service that we go to the express line for worship.  Our duties and activities, EVEN OUR "GOD" ONES, exhaust us.  Our worship would be like our vegetables squeezed in the smaller compartment of our grocery cart while the other things are overflowing the larger section of our cart.  Our busyness are like the junk food and other unnecessary items that were outside of our budget and certainly not needed. 

With all that we still feel empty.  Emptiness overwhelms our spirits.   Sometimes we may not feel His nearness or even His love.  We have those Elijah moments - feeling alone, Jonah moments - wanted to runaway, Peter moments - denial. 

A wake-up letter was necessary to catch the attention and give a reminder to the Galatians.  "Who have bewitched you?"   Read Galatians 3: 1-3.  He even described them as being foolish.  For what begins in the Spirit can never be fulfilled in the flesh!  Awesome revelation. 

"We can add so many requirements to our faith that the "one thing" is swallowed by the "many," and the "best" is obliterated by the "good."

Our heavenly Father longs to have fellowship with us and pour His very life in us.  Believe it or not, He wants us!


Martha was so overworked that Jesus had to remind her that while all her efforts and preparations were appreciated she was missing out on enjoying the main meal that she was preparing for.

Oh thank you Jesus! Mary discovered that when she put down her apron and opened up her ears and heart at His feet.  I am sure we have experienced that from both a physical and spiritual point of view.  We exhaust ourselves when we prepare for guests that when they come we cannot enjoy them or stand in their company for too long.  We may engage in so much preparation for a spiritual service or function that by the time the event gets here we are angry, frustrated and demotivated that we lose the focus and intent of it. 

Our WOSHIP must take priority over our service!

We must be careful not to miss the purpose of the banquet by being overwhelmed with the service that is involved in the preparation.  Be careful that our devotion and time of worship does not become an item on our to-do list or a rock that we might be tempted to throw off our overloaded wagon. 

Let's talk.... Can we have a "keep it real" moment?

What activities do you let come before your worship and devotional time?

What spiritual discipline have you thrown off your wagon because of your busyness? (i.e. prayer, bible study, church attendance etc..)

What activities are you engaged in now that you need to reevaluate?

Remember you cannot do everything, but you can do "one thing" - Choose the better part.

 It is found in in true fellowship with Jesus.  He is the Bread of Life, the Living Water, the only "dish" we need.  Let's find the freedom - THE GREAT FREEDOM of Luke 10:42. 

Today carry only your load - For His yoke is easy and His burden is light!

Keep the faith

Precious Jewel

Thursday, August 8, 2013


God's Plan VS Your Plan

I can truly identify with Joanna Weaver's illustration of her gift experience from my own personal experience.   I am sure you too can share the same thoughts as it can be disappointing to receive something very different from what you expected.

We are very guilty of the statement..
"So often we give God the gift we think He needs rather than take time to find out what He desires." How true!  We make so many resolutions, promises and commitments to change, assist, visit, volunteer and even take on assignments over and above our abilities which leaves us drained, frustrated and regretful.  We get so overwhelmed and overextend in service that we don't have time for what we are personally assigned and called to do.  OUCH!!

We think we can do it all.  Our abilities and capabilities are limited. 
As stated in Romans 12 the body of Christ has many members and each has a different gifting.  We must allow each member to do their part in their areas of strength. 

Sometimes what we want to do may not be God's plan for us.  His plans are that of good and not of evil to bring us to an expected end.  How tiresome, burdensome and even grievous are some of the things we assume and claim to do for God.  Your interest, knowledge, concern or even compassion is not a sign that God is asking you to take on that need or assignment.  God may be asking your insight or help to find and pray for the right person or direct you to the individuals that can carry on that task.  You may also be stealing or preventing a blessing of someone else by trying to do it yourself. 

Don't assume a plan or an assignment from eagerness or guilt but wait on God and be assured that this is HIS plan for you.  It is very important  that you carry out God's plan for your own personal assignment and not be too exhausted with activities and rocks not in the assigned plan for your life. 

TODAY'S FOCUS (MHMW Study Group) - What does God desire from you?

Have you ask God What are His plans for your Life?
Although God wants us to serve and do service to others, and our faith must be accompanied by actions, it is important to know if that's His plan for you or for someone else. 

This chapter made me more aware that God is not only looking for maids, cooks, typist, bus drivers or other service technicians - he is looking for a people to call His very own.  As His child he will place us to serve but necessary to serve as we are skillfully equipped. 


Martha's efforts, hard work and hospitality were commendable, but Mary chose the one thing...
It was not in the kitchen or in the cleaning up and preparations.
God wants to live and communicate with us in a least busy place.  The kitchen is where all the activities of preparation comes but the living room is spotless, neatly arranged, sweetly scented and reserved for special guests.  Martha was so busy that she forget to entertain the guest of Honor. 

Intimacy Can Be Threatening            

Today God wants intimacy.  Intimacy can be threatening because it exposes everything about us.  Some of us are afraid that if we get close to God He will see all our faults, sins, habits and all other short comings.  The truth is we may want to hide them or may not want to give them up. Guess what? HE ALREADY KNOWS!

We understand that it's not always easy to get intimate with someone.  It may be a matter of trust, or being uncomfortable.  It may require going outside the box or leaving your comfort zone.  Some may not want to express their emotions or unable to sit still etc.... But as the writer states, "Regardless of our temperament, regardless of our emotional preference, we are all called to intimacy with God!  Hallelujah!

Do you long for intimacy?
As a child longs for intimacy from a parent so as children of God we need intimacy with our heavenly Father. To get that we need to be in His presence. 

Today He's calling us to intimacy - THAT"S WHAT HE DESIRES!
Our own agendas are at times for us to feel accepted by others; feed our egos; make us feel important; show off ourselves; get noticed; offend and show shortcomings of others etc...
At times it even gives us an opportunity to express our pride, prejudice or cover our guilt. 

Let's keep it real - ASK....
What's hindering me from entering in the living room of intimacy with God?
What am I afraid to expose or get exposed?
What don't I want to give up?

Today I encourage you to get out of the kitchen of your busyness and go into the living room.
Ask Him to reveal the things that are hindering you from sitting still in His presence.
Ask Him to reveal His plan for your day and your life. 
Come just as you are.  He is waiting.....

Invite Jesus to rule and reign
Ask God to reveal the next step
Have faith that what needs to get done will get done
Be open to the Spirit's leading.

Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. - Proverbs 16:3

 Precious Jewel 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


An Overloaded Wagon 

Today we continue on Chapter 4 - THE CURE
"Nothing is harder to bear than a burden we're not called to carry.  While God does ask us to bear one another's burdens, he has not asked us to step in and do what people are not willing to do themselves.  And while there are many needs, God has not asked us to meet every one."

That statement holds the release of truth that we need to lighten our wagon.

As we read throughout the section,  (we apologize to those who have not yet purchase their books), we see the Jews and Pharisees in an eagerness to please God  took on the law by works that were grievous and burdensome.  (Matthew 23: 2-4)

You see while they were very committed and implement laws that would supposedly help them keep the law, it did not bring them closer to Him.  They had no relationship cause it became a stumbling block.  While God has called us to obedience he never ask us to carry the weight of the law!

We too can allow rules and activities that we feel that God has assigned or given to us overwhelm us.  Like Martha the custom to prepare for the feast and the hospitality she had extended to Jesus and his followers became burdensome.  She was more interested in making everything comfortable so everyone else could worship that she forgot that she also needed to worship. 

OUCH! Did you just feel that.  How many times we get so involved in the preparation of a good meal at home for guests, an anniversary or other church program that we never enjoyed the service or heard the message?

"Even Welcome wagons can grow heavy, especially when they're laden with the extra weight of our human agendas and expectations."


Jesus came to help us dump the rocks off our overloaded wagon.  He never gave them to us in the first place.  He only gave us what he knew we were able to carry at the time.  He even took care of those who inflicted and piled up rocks (burdens) by His words.  (Luke 11:46)

To those who were helpless under the law, Jesus became their burden bearer.  Today He is making that same appeal to all of our women of God.  One of the things that we need to note is that he removed the gender barrier that separated women from their maker!

Mary understood that it's not cooking, cleaning and doing good works but knowing God, being in relationship with Him wanting to hear and listen to Him.  Whether it was out of the normal custom or not, she dumped that rock.  She wanted to leave the kitchen and experience the intimate fellowship of the living room. (to be discussed in another chapter)

We do not know exactly how Martha responded, but what would be your response to the following:

Lets TALK.....
Today I encourage you using Tricia's example, let God assist you to dump your wagon of unnecessary rocks  (activities, burdens, worries etc...) by doing the following:
  • Make a list of all activities (church, children, work, etc..)
  • Pray and prioritize over all the activities as importance number them from one to four
  • Eliminated all the fours
After you have done the above exercise, ask yourself....
What effects or result the ones I dump have?
How can I help someone else to dump their rocks without making it a burden?
  Please share with others who need their wagons to be made lighter. 

Let go of your lengthy list of to-do dos and begin doing the one thing that's needed to do. 
Remember, "The sweet wooing of the Holy Spirit calms our fears and shatters our defenses."

God Bless
Precious Jewel

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Are you carrying your assigned load or everyone else's?

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World 12 week study series Chapter 4 - The Cure

The story is told of a man who was given specific instructions to carry three stones through the woods up the road that winds up the side of the hill.  He was told once he got to the top to leave the wagon there.  He was excited to know that God had asked him to do a task and that the weight was light and easy to manage. 

On the way he made several stops, either to chat, have a drink or help his friends along the way. He told them of his mission and was also asked where he was headed.  Of course they asked him to load up some things in his wagon and take it up to the hill for them.

Naturally the stuff he gathered made his wagon heavier every time. 
That's where the trouble began.
He began getting angry, complaining, frustrated and weary. 
He fumed at God with many questions and wanted to give up. 

He had sense enough to pray, and God came to his side.
God:  "Sounds like you're having a hard time, what's the problem?"
Man:  "You gave me a job that is too hard for me."
God:  "What is this?"
Man:  " That belongs to John, my good friend.  He didn't have time to bring it up himself.  I thought I would help." 
God:  "And this?"
The man tried to explain as God continued to unload the wagon removing both light and heavy items.

You guessed it as God removed the items the wagon got lighter and he was back to the load God gave him to carry.  The man grew silent as God continued.... 

God:  "If you will be content to let others take their own burdens, I will help you with your task."
Man:  "But I promised I would help! I cannot leave these things lying here."
God:  "Let others carry their own belongings.  I know you were trying to help, but when you are weighted down with all these cares, you cannot do what I have asked of you." 

That's where I got convicted... (Please get the book read the story as I can't post it all.)

Today, the word of God that states, My yoke is easy and My burden is light, and He will not ask us to carry more than we can bear took on a new meaning in my life. Truly what we think are our burdens and stresses that causes all kinds of maladies are in most cases the weight of others we are carrying and not the assignment or purpose God has given to us.  We take on children's responsibilities, church responsibilities and other troubles that we need to give the opportunity to others to figure out, deal with and learn the lessons themselves.  We get involve and overwhelm ourselves with numerous activities, accept all types of invitations, do all kinds of tasks for others along the way, forsaking our calling and assignment and just loading our light wagons and then blame God.  OUCH!!!

Today I ask, what's in your wagon?  Let's talk....            

Please share this post so we can have a great discussion and help you lighten your wagon, put the excitement and passion back in your assignment with God's help. 

Keep the Faith!
Precious Jewel

Monday, August 5, 2013


 Do you know of the Lord? or Do you know the Lord?

The questions posed may sound and look the same but are very different.  It's one thing to know of someone and to know them personally in a relationship.  In Mark 8:27-33 Jesus asked the question of His disciples, whom do men  say that I am?  They gave Him several answers.  Then He asked them, who do you say that I am?  Peter answered Thou art the Christ.  That sounds like he did not only know of the Lord but knew Him. 

Today I ask, Who do you say the Lord is?

We know the many controversies of who and what He is.  Controversies on what He should be called etc...  Today let's just open up and keep it personal to the relationship we have with Him.  Knowing of someone does not give you full access to them.  However, when you have entered into a relationship with them the experience is deeper and more meaningful.   Relationship means everything.

So I ask...

Is He your Provider - Psalms 23:1

Is He just a Friend - John 15:5

Is He a Husband to your lonely heart - Isaiah 54:5

Is He your Healer - Psalms 103:3


I encourage you to open up and share your thoughts, testimonies, your stories and experiences.  Also engage others in this discussion by posting and sharing on your timeline, email or text. 

If you do not know Him, please feel free to let us know so we can lead you to know and be in a relationship with Him. 

God bless you and keep you today as you deepen your relationship with Him. 

Precious Jewel

Friday, August 2, 2013

How Important Is Your Peace to you?

The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.  Psalm 19:1

PEACE:  calm repose - Who's Responsible for Your Peace? 

Today I would like to present two (2) questions to my readers. 

1.  How important is peace to you? 

2.  Who's responsible for your peace?

Is peace a specter of the mind like many people say or can we genuinely have peace?  As we look around the world we live and turn on our televisions we hear of various conditions that may lead us to believe that.  Destructions, wars, tragedies, economic stresses and other happenings around us cause us to be perplexed and troubled.

These are external circumstances.  However, if we internalize them we can become traumatized and forfeit our peace.  They can also be personalized to affect us internally and mentally.

Destruction - internalizing can destroy our physical bodies
Wars - turmoil and battling of the mind
Tragedies - our thinking wrong thought patterns
Economic stresses - worrying over our personal finances
Other happenings - offences, jealousy and evil

Is your peace important to you?  I hope your answer is YES!  Let me show you HOW.

Hide yourself in the blanket of prayer. 

Obedience to God

Worship the Lord

When we hide ourselves in prayer we are covered and can go to sleep in peace and safety.  Psalm 4:8
Obedience to God qualifies us as His.  He promises to bless His people with peace.  Psalm 29:11
Worship brings perfect peace to our minds and spirit and keeps our trust in Him.                        Isaiah 26:3

As you can see we may not be responsible for world peace, but we are surely responsible for our peace.  Therefore, we will hide ourselves in the blanket of prayer by praying and communicating with our heavenly Father.  We will walk in obedience to His word and live up to the principles for Godly living.  We will worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness for He inhabits the praises of His people.  In doing these we will have great peace.  Internal peace that the world conditions and our circumstances cannot touch. 

Jesus says,
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  John 14:27
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

So today Lord, I decree and declare upon your people - Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them.                                                                                                                     Go forth with the peace of God - God bless you!

Please let me know how this has impacted your life and your peace.  Share this peace with everyone!

Precious Jewel


Thursday, August 1, 2013


Another day to be thankful another day to be glad!

This morning I would like to engage you in today's inspiration.
I ask that you picture this story in your mind and as Phoebe's story unravels revisit your own story.  It may be long but worth the read for your deliverance.

Phoebe lived in a place where the streets were unpaved, small, narrow and winding.  When it rained it was very difficult to walk, and because it was so slippery she would fall several times before she reached her destination.  Her little home though comfortable had no electricity; she slept on the hard floor; source of water came from a walk to the nearby creek; her means for food were from things grown around her and very little from the neighborhood market; her education was limited as she had to take turns with her 6 other siblings and the entire village to attend the overcrowded school.  She was taught and knew of God but did not know Him in a relationship.  Phoebe did not have the luxury and means of many of the finer things in life.  Because of that she was abused and sometimes she had to compromise herself to make ends meet. One day a wealthy benefactor came to the village, fell in love with her, married her and took her to another country.  There she was given and experienced all of the things she never had.  Such as abundance of food, clothing, paved roads, a large home with electricity and running water, a chance to go to college, she was taught to drive and had a car and a driver at her disposal along with all blessings of wealth and abundance.  Yet Phoebe was unhappy and never smiled.  Her husband would notice when he came home the lights would be out and she would fumble and grope in the dark.  Sometimes her meals would be untouched.  Phoebe  was also reluctant go out of the house,  She barely acknowledged the gifts she received or hardly ever used the things he had given to her.  He was told by the driver when they went out she would close her eyes and gasp every time he went around a corner or speed a little.  This went on for many months.  Her husband watched painfully as his beautiful wife was withering away.  She was loosing weight, she looked pulled down and did not want to be intimate with him.  After carefully evaluating the matter and speaking with a close friend he finally understood Phoebe's plight.....

Phoebe was LIVING IN HER PAST!  That was it!  Although she was physically in another world, her MIND was back in the village.  She did not realize that the switch just needed to be turned on, the food, the house and all the luxury was hers to use and enjoy not just to know about and to view; she needed to know that the car was made to run on the paved roads, she was secured with the driver who was hired for her use, and she would not fall down at the curve; the educational opportunities were available to help her progress and move forward and her husband was providing for her and would not abuse her but wanted to comfort her in intimacy and love.  Phoebe could not appreciate or experience what she had unless she allowed her mind and her heart to accept where she was.

It's time for your story!  You may ask, how does this relate to my story?
Here's how.... Romans 8: 1, 14-16
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons (and daughters) of God.  For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father.  The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. 

As you relive your story think of Phoebe's story apply the spiritual applications of the word of God.  Whatever you did in the past, conditions or circumstances that existed before in your past.. There is therefore NOW NO CONDEMNATION, to them which are in Christ Jesus.  Your only requirement is to be in Christ.  As the benefactor who rescued Phoebe, your Benefactor, Jesus Christ, came to your town and redeemed you, placed you on a new path, he promoted you from sinner to saint, He has given you a new name.  He has made you a victor instead of a victim, He has taken you from zero to a hero, He has made you the head and not the tail, taken you from the pit to the palace, prisoner to governor, from slave to master, from nothing to something, from nobody to somebody, from rags to riches, from unnoticed to be noticed, from darkness to light, from death to life, from lack to abundance, from bondage to freedom, from guilty to pardoned, from ordinary to extraordinary, from unselected to elected and now your test is your testimony and your mess has become your message.  So tell your story, tell how you are forgiven and you are bought with the precious blood of Jesus.  Tell the town folks, village folks and the church folks that you have a new owner and you are under new management.  There is NO condemnation. It's a done deal. Don't underestimate the power of the blood of Jesus.  It washes and cleanses from all sins. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.  It can stand alone.  Even if you have fallen from the bumps and turns along the way, He is willing to receive and restore you back to Him.  Like the prodigal son, arise and go to your Father. He wants to be intimate with you.  He wants to hold you, hug you, love you and will not condemn you no matter what you've done.  Don't let anyone including yourself hold you in the life of your past when you have already change address and master. Let the mind of Christ be in you.  Relive your story and renew your mind.   By renewing your mind, like Phoebe you will prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. The choice is yours to make today..  Do it now!

Be encouraged - Be blessed.  Please help someone else by sharing Phoebe's story so they can live without condemnation. 
May love and blessings leave my home to yours. 
Precious Jewel