Thursday, August 15, 2019



With the busyness of life the most essential thing, meeting with God, can be neglected.  It is a very important and integral element for direction of your day.  Neglecting that time can cause chaos and frustration.  Many stressful situations could be avoided if time was taken to meet with God before you begin your day. 

Schedule God on your calendar- I do!  Pen (not pencil) Him on the schedule, and Keep your appointment with Him.  Early in the morning is recommended and throughout the day when time permits.  The blessings and rewards is worth the sacrifice.  Once you begin, it will be a delight rather than a chore-Pleasure instead of pressure!  Be consistent so it can become a part of you. Practice makes permanent.  

While we know the throne of our hearts, is God's dwelling place, It is also very important to make room to meet with God.  Whether your choose a closet, a room, balcony or corner, get a place that you can consecrate as your place to meet.  It gives you a sense of connection and allows you to become aware of your appointment and constant reminder.  

God time and God space becomes "me time, and special moments for me! It allows me to talk to God about things I can't or don't want to share with anyone else. It also encourages you to read God's word.  God reveals Himself to you through the Spirit.  Revelations and deep spiritual connections happen in those times.  It is wise to do it early in the morning and last thing in the night.  You will find like I have many times, that God will wake you up with a word of meditation for the day.  

The movie, War Room is strongly recommended as an encouragement for your to begin creating a God Space.  Along with that read the book, Fervent, by Priscilla Shirer.  You will be encouraged to start a journey that you will want to share with others.  

Creating a God space doesn't have to be an entire room.   If you don't have the extra room in your home, you can create a God space that you can dedicate to your time of prayer, worship, meditation and reflection time with God.  Prayer walks are also recommended early or late afternoons.  

Think on the men and women of the bible whose prayer habits have given them the victory.  Men like Daniel who had a special routine and time when he prayed-His story and success teaches us that prayers are stored and become available when needed.  It is important that you deposit your prayers so you can withdraw in trying times.  Begin today, and create your God space!  


Your God space allows you to connect daily with the Lord.  Get creative, decorate with plants, pictures or inspirational plaques. Make sure you have your bible, journals, devotional, prayer request/note book, pens, markers, stickers, prayer cards, anointing oil, prayer shawl or blanket.  Don't clutter your space or put things that would distract you or disturb your intimacy with God, but you could include anything that would create an atmosphere of peace/serenity and allow you to enjoy His presence. You can include a C/D player for soft worship music or instrumental background music, tranquil waterfall, and a prayer board!  

Your God space can be stationary or mobile.  You can decide whether you want it inside or outside of the home.  You can also chose to have your God space in the home and have a prayer walk moment or garden refreshing session! 

Here are some suggestions for your God Space and or War Room: 
If space allows, this would be great to have an entire room.  If you don't have the extra room, you can select any room and designate an area or section for your God Space. 
Use the suggestions above to create your atmosphere.  You can include things that are of your passion and or assignment.  

Image may contain: people sitting and indoorIf you don't have an entire room, don't worry.  Designating a section or a spot in your home for your God space can bring you the same results.  Pick that space and make it your special space. 

You can choose a space in your bedroom, a corner in your living or family room, the porch, laundry room, kitchen-Designate a place on the counter with a basket with your prayer essentials, bring a chair there and have your intimate moment with God.  Open up your windows and doors for the sunlight and fresh air if your are able to.  

I have utilized my walk-in-closet with a prayer mat that I folded up daily.  You can use a prayer mat at your kitchen spot or corner and put it away when you finish your God time.  The prayer essential basket and prayer mat works well with mobile God Space options.

Image may contain: people sitting, table and outdoorThe choice to do a garden God space in the elements of nature can be refreshingly rewarding.  The outdoors connects us to the essence of nature-sun, wind, trees and other natural elements.  Create an environment that brings you into God's presence.  Depending on where it is you may need a mobile prayer basket to protect your essentials. 

Stepping out into nature and getting a prayer garden God space will bring spiritual and physical wholeness. You can also do a garden prayer walk or a stroll on the beach.  

A prayer wall should be an essential part of your God space or War Room.  If you don't have a wall you can use a vision board or construction paper as your prayer board.  Utilize it to put specific requests or scriptures that you are praying for.  You can place a calendar, schedule or specific prayer theme you are praying about.  Your vision and goals can be a part of it as a reminder of what you need to do and pray about.  

Prayer flash cards with scriptures or prayers of confession complements your God space.  It helps you develop discipline and can assist with memorization of scripture.

If you have not done so yet, make time to create your God Space/War Room.  You cannot not have one.  Use the information above and begin to experience the joys of being in God's presence.  You will develop the disciplines that will help you become a true Warrior.  One that will be able to stand against the whilst of the devil-Ephesians 6:10-18.  

Remember, prayer is an essential part of your life's journey.  It is the fuel of your spirit.  It connects you to God and allows you to know the heart of God. He reveals things in the secret place (Psalm 91).  He shows up in your circumstances through prayer-He hears and answers prayer! You don't have to have an entire room to make this happen. you can choose any space and dedicate it to God as your meeting place.  Your God space is where you meet to talk, share and listen to God.  You can worship, pray or just sit  and bask in His presence. Make time daily to meet with God-He longs to meet with you!

God Bless you and Keep the Faith! 

Virtuous Jewel

Wednesday, July 31, 2019



Sitting here at my window looking at my view inspired my writing today.  Directly in front of me is the green pasture, safe solid, with the ability to see even things that are hidden within the grass.  I see a few trees, a rock, dirt and some pebbles.  

I stretch my eyes to see beyond the end of the pasture.  There's the road, but from my view it seems too narrow for the vehicles that are passing by.  It is obvious that my sitting position view distorts the actual size. 

Looking further ahead, I see the stumps of trees that have been cut, new trees, older trees and also another field.   I see a bird walking the field, a few signs and other landmarks.  The buildings seem in reach and close to the edge of the field.  

I know from my traveling back and forth that there is a road between the building and the filed, but I can't see it from my limited view.  There is also a large distance to the building with another field which can't be seen from my view.  Yet it seem within reach. 

A stretched view over the buildings is the mountain covered by clouds because it has been raining.  There are a few houses, trees, antennas and light poles.  However the trees look more like a field because I am only allowed to see the top.  A few homes are just a peak view.  Does that mean... 
There are no rocks, soil, roads or other buildings, beneath or around the trees? 
What's behind the mountain? 
Is there anything above the clouds? 
These questions may never be answered from our sitting position?  


This experience of nature reveals so many things in the natural and spiritual points.  First let's establish that not because we can't see things from where we are that they do not exist.  The other thing is that we may know that they exist only because we are familiar with the area or process.  Like the fact, because I have traveled that road before, I know that there is a road between the field and the school building.  I also know that there are parking lots and pavements in front of the school.  

However, because of my limited view and sitting position everything beyond my knowledge and what I can see becomes distorted.  It's time to shift PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY! 

Our physical, and yes, our mental position/view, can give a false impression, inaccurate details, or misrepresentation of the facts and actuality of things.  It can be manipulated by what we know which limits growth and productivity.  It can also hinder us from reaching beyond our comfort zone to explore the plans, and great wonders God has planned for us.  

Jeremiah 29:11  (KJV)
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. 

As you think on today's discussion give thought to the following: 
What is your view from where you are sitting?  
Do you need to shift your location/position?
Do you need to explore beyond what you can see or know? 

Answering these questions honestly will align you with a better perspective and shift your thinking to the greater end.  

God wants us to see beyond our limited view of life.  He longs to bring us to a new level that requires us to believe beyond our view of what we can see.  This also indicates that a distorted view of knowing who God is and can do will give us a clustered view, and everything will look close.  It can give false hopes, and create shortcuts rather than enduring the journey and or process that is required.  It is important to know and believe that there is life and greater beyond the mountains and above the clouds.  

Remember, The higher you go, the greater the challenge of your faith.  From your view, everything is visible, but it takes faith to get to the destination.  There are times you may not be able to move from your position, but you must shift in your mind to believe that possibilities exist even when you can't see them.  God is not limited by what your eyes can see, behold or your minds can comprehend.  A childlike trusting faith would be necessary to believe through the process of waiting, uncertainty, darkness, storms and life's challenges.  When your physical limitations distorts your ability to see, be transformed with the renewing of your mind, concentrate on the truth of God's word, use your shield of faith, and know that your lack of faith does not change what is already reserved for you by God! 

God Bless you and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019



Summertime is the period of time that summer lasts.  Schools are closed, travel and vacations are planned, and other various activities are structured to unite families. Events, and other amusement parks/destinations prepare for the crowd. 

Image result for SUMMERSummertime is also a time of fun-beach,  lemonade sales, barbecues, ice-cream and other summer socials.  

Summer camps are active and other programs are in sessions to teach and equip students for the new school year.  

Summer jobs are also available for training and experience.  Individuals are placed in areas of their expertise and interest.  

Summer buzz..... is also activated with heat and in some areas dryness and humidity.  

Summertime is also preparation for the fall and winter season!  


As you reflect over the "summer" season of your life let's discuss the various areas listed above:

What are your plans for the summer season? 

Are you experiencing enough fun and joy? 

How are you equipping yourself for the next season? 

What lessons are you learning? 

What's buzzing around you this summer?
  • Are you experiencing heat or any painful experiences? 
  • Is there any dry areas in your life that you need watered/refreshed? 
  • What about humidity-what clammy, heavy, oppressive feelings are your feeling?
Summertime is indeed a time of planning and preparation.  As you look at the natural, think of the internal/eternal values of summer.  Taking vacations and attending other life events like conferences, retreats, workshops can prepare you for the fall and winter seasons.  

Likewise taking breaks and enjoying life-go to the beach, engage in social time with family and friends.  Take time out for you by doing something special.  Spend time with a friend or loved one.  

Develop friendships that can be an avenue of comfort and battle buddies for the wintertime.  Equip yourself with knowledge, learn something new, learn strategies to face the changes of the seasons ahead.  

There is nothing like on the job training.  Get involve with people, services and places that you can gain experience and training.  Even if it's not an area of interest, it may benefit you or someone close to you. You will need it when you get to the next level of your life.  

Remember don't be caught up in the heat without refreshing yourself daily in the word, prayer and sharing.  Use the summertime to do what can be done before the winter months come and you are limited by the weather or other life conditions.  Summertime is the time of preparation-be equipped and purposeful, but give yourself room to feel and learn from others.  Don't be afraid to share your story, successes as well as failures to help another person grow and or avoid the mistakes of not planning/preparing.  

God Bless you and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019



I was in awe of a scripture revealed to me in my devotion time early this morning and felt it very fitting for today's blog.  

Habakkuk 3 reveals a prayer of Habakkuk.  He was reflecting on what He heard about God from the ancestors.  He was reminding God of His greatness.  Although he was afraid, he asked God to do what He did before, and ask that in His wrath, he extends mercy.  

Habakkuk envisioned the greatness of God as He moved across the desserts from Mount Sinai-His glory filled the heavens, and the earth  filled with praise!  

I see God moving across the deserts from Mount Sinai.[b] His brilliant splendor fills the earth and sky; his glory fills the heavens, and the earth is full of his praise! What a wonderful God he is! (Verse 3 TLB) 

Image result for Habakkuk 3:4

What was even more amazing was the awesome power of His hand-Rays of brilliant light flashed from His hands. (Verse 4)  

Habakkuk's prayer was considered a triumphant one because He recognized the hidden power of God's fist.  He believed what he heard, and it seems like He wanted to experience it personally.  In the remaining verses of the chapter, he had a dialogue and asked many questions.  However, he concluded by saying he would wait patiently to see God at work, but in the meantime he will rejoice in God! 


The Lord's awesome power was hidden in His hand.  And when opened, rays flashed, and His power was released.   Let's discuss the following: 

Do you need to see God's hidden power released over you today? 
What have you heard, or can you remember what He did in the past (wrath or mercy) that can encouraged you through your circumstances? 
What do you need God to help you with today? 

As you reflect and or answer these questions, consider writing your own prayer. 
If you were to write a prayer of triumph what would it sound like? 
What would you conclude about God? 

God's power is hidden until you pray-until praise and worship is resounding, God's power will remain hidden.  Once they are, God's glorious brightness and power will be seen as he releases His power hidden in His hands!

Throughout scripture God's outstretched hand revealed His power!  
Can you think on some other ways God's power was demonstrated with or in the hand? 
Who / What / Where? 

Remember, when you are going through your circumstances, reflect on what God did in the past.  Comfort yourself on what He is capable of doing through the power of His hand.  While you wait rejoice in the Lord-Be joyful!  

God Bless you and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel 

Thursday, May 16, 2019



(Wednesday's Blog- We apologize for the late posting) 

By definition, the Word Solitude means:
  1. "the state or situation of being alone"- synonyms, remoteness, seclusion, desolation...
  2. "a lonely or uninhabited place"- wilderness, rural area, desert...

The Purpose of Solitude   

Solitude is very vital to the refreshing and renewal of the mind, soul and body.  It should be a scheduled routine for everyone especially women.  

The cares of life often overwhelms the spirit and it is important to take "alone time" with yourself and your creator.  

What better place than in a solitary place in nature-A place where you can identify with nature, peaceful and serene.  A place where vision comes alive and hope is evident by the stillness and natural beauty of all creation.  

In solitude, stress is released, worries are lessened,  burdens are lifted, troubles seem to melt away and dreams are realized.  

Do you long for a place of solitude? 
What are the burdens, worries, cares that you are carrying? 
Do you long for a one-on-one time with God where you can share the secrets of your heart? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, It's time for silence! 


It's meaning speaks to stillness, tranquility, noiselessness or absence of sound-It also relates to refrain from speaking, become silent, hush or be silenced.  In any case silence calls for an action of performance without noise, the ritual of routines, heaviness or lifting of concerns. 

In silence, you don't have to do anything-just be still.  It is an opportunity for your spirit to hear, feel, appreciate and live in the moment with no concerns about yesterdays or tomorrows. 

It pays to take time out in silence before God.  Silence allows you to find rest in God and gives you hope to face the challenges and life's difficult moments.  If you are going through a difficult time right now find rest by going silently into a place of solitude,
Psalm 62:5 TLB
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.

As you remain silent, open your mind up to the greatness of God.  Use the time to journal the thoughts that come to you. Silently worship within your spirit-no words, no movement, no noise.  Be at peace, become one with your surroundings, one with yourself-One with God.  

Embrace the blessings of solitude and remain in silence to accomplish what cannot be otherwise achieved with the noise and busyness of life.  Seclude yourself to that solitary place where God whispers hope and comfort to the troubled and weary.  You can also use solitude and silence to discover purpose and God's plan for your future-Jeremiah 29:11. 

God Bless you and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel

Wednesday, May 8, 2019



The theme, Damaged Good, reflects our conditions from the struggles of life. Whether it be victims of trauma, acts of violence, emotional/physical abuse, family/personal issues, wounds/hurt, fears.... 


The three segments of the theme was/is very relevant to.... Get a Fresh Start! 

This section allowed all women to face the drama that they have been avoiding or  covering up. Pastor Thora Daley shared a powerful story of a family drama in 2 Samuel 13- Tamar who was raped by her brother.  

The scheme and plot was not her fault, but she suffered greatly and was told to keep it quiet. She was rejected, thrown out and abandoned and remained bitter and desolate all her life! 

This session began with devotional breakfast by Minister Paula Modeste-Clarke, who taught us how to love and forgive and deal with the issues as a result of our drama.  First Lady Rolda Serieux spoke the word that equipped and encourage the heart of the broken to deal with the baggage.  She expressed that there was no shame because Christ bore the shame we face-He was naked on the cross bearing ALL guilt and shame so we can deal with the baggage in our lives!

Pastor Julie Rhymer expressed how important it is to handle the luggage that has been carried-through three remarkable women.  

Martha (from the story of Mary and Martha) Luke 10:38-42- Martha crowded and drowned her drama with busyness.  She could have been covering up sibling rivalry, jealousy, hurt or other emotions from her childhood/past.  

Many times women uses busyness to avoid confronting the drama, baggage, and luggage they are carrying around!

The Woman at The Well in John 4, exhibited a thirst by her continuous exchange of men and issues of her womanhood.  She depended on her knowledge and heritage for survival. Her thirst was evident by her response to the Lord.  

Confrontations, excuses, and arguments are used when we are not handling our luggage well-Very obvious in the conversation with the woman at the well, but her drama/baggage was identified. 

Mary with the Alabaster Box in Mark 14:1-11 carried her luggage (her profession).  She was a victim of criticism and label which many women can identified with today-Your past or even current drama perhaps make you a topic of gossip.  

It was obvious that Mary carried her identity luggage.  She became a target of criticism and was told she wasn't good enough to get close to God!  

All three of these women got a fresh start ... What was the secret?


The secret is all three women had an encounter with Jesus Christ! 
Martha was admonished by Jesus that spending time with the Lord was the better part, and she should remove herself from her busyness to get to know Him.  When she did we see that in another chapter, Mary remained at home while she ran out to meet Jesus. 

The woman at the well when she encountered the Savior, left her water pots and went to spread the news of the man who had quenched her thirst and allowed her to handle her baggage! 

Mary with the Alabaster Box broke her most valuable and precious possession when she met the Lord.  Although she was criticized and condemned, she turned to worship and was rewarded for doing that.  

Remember, Tamar never got a chance to get a fresh start, but you do-All you have to do is...

Face the Drama- Allow yourself to speak- Don't be silent about what have happened in your life (personally or otherwise).

Deal With the Baggage - Don't be afraid to to address and deal with the shame, guilt or any other issues. 

Handle the Luggage - Don't be afraid to identity the things that you are attached to, and let them go regardless of the cost.  

We encourage all to share their experience of the retreat or comments on this post:
What stood out to you in the session?
What would you like to say to others in the 3 areas(Drama/Baggage/Luggage)?

Image may contain: 8 people, including Sharon Alexander, people standing, crowd, tree, sky and outdoorDamaged Goods was a remarkable experience, and we know that our women are ready and equipped to have a fresh new start.  Pray that those who are reading will consider joining us at the next retreat! 


God Bless you and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

WOMEN'S RETREAT 2019 - MAY 3-4, 2019


Image may contain: 3 people, including Julie Rhymer, people smiling, textOur planning has been finalized-We are ready to embark on this exciting experience to...
Experience the Joy of Living Free! 

If you or your goods (children, family, relationship...) has been hurt, damaged or destroyed, you can't shake off the trauma of loss, guilt/shame of the past haunts you from time to time, secrets are burdening your spirit, or you're dealing with issues of fear, habits, attitudes, insecurities or life in general, then..



Friday, May 3, 2019 - Saturday, May 4, 2019 

Face the Drama-Deal With the Baggage-Handle the Luggage

Location: # 19 A&B Strand Street, Frederiksted 
(Next to Frederiksted Hotel on the waterfront)

Get a FRESH Start as you...
Face It
Deal with It
Handle It 

Be blessed and encouraged as you bond with other women-some who have gone through your struggles/experience, retreat in prayer, worship and inspirational impartations! 



Friday, May 3, 2019 - 7:00 PM 
Welcome/Introductory Service:  Pastor Thora Daley
House of Praise & Deliverance Ministry
19 A & B Frederiksted, VI

Saturday, May 4, 2019 
8:30 PM       Registration

9:00 PM       Theme Devotional Breakfast Session:  
                     Minister Paula Modeste-Clarke
                     SM Church of God 7th Day, Miami, Florida 

10:45 PM     Impartation Session: Guest Speaker-First Lady Rolda Serieux 
                    Jerusalem Church of God 7th Day, Miami, Florida

12:30 PM    Lunch 

1:30 PM      Retreat Seminar Session: Pastor Julie Rhymer
                   Twigs Ministry, Inc & Worship Center Church of God 7th Day
                   #1 B Humbug, Christiansted, VI   

4:00  PM     Kingdom Woman (Monthly Session) - Pastor Julie Rhymer 

6:00 PM     Retreat Wrap-up / Fellowship Social / Vendor Sales

(to get your t-shirt, meal and accommodation count)

To register visit our website at or telephone (340) 643-8423
Indicate t-Shirt size and meal choice of chicken or fish. 

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful experience.  Feel free to share our flyer with all your women sisters!  

God Bless you and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel- Pastor Julie Rhymer

Wednesday, March 20, 2019



Your outward adorning reflects the things that are happening on the inside-in the core of your heart.  You may put up a front allowing your outwear to impress others.  In a world of confusion and a struggle to embrace/express one's identity, impressing others, living a lie, wrongful choices, vulnerability and keeping up with the "status norm" can send out the wrong message or reveal the real you!

Your outward wear, style or fashion may reveal your heart secret and desires to others.  Eventually, whether with time or pressure, your true identity is revealed.  

Many put on a camouflage to decorate or hide the pain they feel on the inside. Their outside behavior also demonstrates their character, personality, and or lack of spirituality.  Let's look at some examples: 

  • Provocative clothing can reveal lustful traits or a need for attention
  • Loud or excessive jewelry may reveal traits of selfishness, materialism, greed...
  • Certain hairstyles can reveal identity issues, lack of self control or rebellion

These are just a few examples to the conversations of what's shown on the outside may be a reflection of the inside of the heart.


Peter admonishes you that your adorning should not be on just hairstyles, jewelry or the clothes you wear-But rather the focus should be on the hidden man of the heart. 

1 Peter 3:3-4 (KJV)
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel;
But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.  

Peter further encourages you to cultivate inner beauty like the women of old who were beautiful by their kindness, loyalty, faithfulness and love to God and their husbands.  

Doing an inventory of the heart will reflect deep rooted issues which manifest in outward behaviors-Your outward reflection will change by changing the man in your heart. 

Related imageAs a daughter of Abraham you have the privilege of having your outer beauty reflecting good deeds-Allow the hidden man to be Christ Jesus, your Lord and Savior.  Ask Him to beautify you with meekness and love.  Then when you dress, your outwear will reflect Him in beauty, respect and spirituality.  That does not mean you don't have to groom your hair, wear no jewelry or have your clothes sweeping the ground-but you will be modest and moderate, beautifully adorned with the ornament of meekness.   

Remember, "what matters, is not your outer appearance-the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes-but your inner disposition." (MSG).  Don't be intimidated, be beautiful inside out.  Don't depend on jewelry, hairstyles, and or beautiful clothes for outward beauty.  Depend on the Hidden Man in your heart to reflect your beauty. You are precious to God-Be beautiful with the "lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit that is so precious to God. (TLB) 

God bless you and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel