Tuesday, February 21, 2017



The seasons of life are very much like the seasons of the environment of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.  There are changes with every season.  As you reflect on the picture, although nothing shifts, you will note that each season brings a change to the existing picture. 

The view CHANGES with every season:

Spring is a fresh, perhaps a new beginning. Trees are flowering in color and everything is lustrous and blooming. 
Summer comes with the heat and fullness of life.  The fruits may be producing and the intensity of the weather maybe unbearable.  There might be some scorching to the plants and other livestock.  

Then comes the fall season that changes the color of things. The variation of colors brings an awareness and brings things into perspective as they can now be differentiated and categorized.  The leaves are falling, and the changes are taking place rather quickly. The anticipation of winter brings preparation.

Finally, at long last, winter is here.  The colors are not only faded, but the trees are now empty and bare.  The cold winter breeze and fallen snow have caused a chill that creates a longing that calls for spring.  

The seasons are cycles that call for change.  There are lessons to be learnt in every season as well as adjustments to last through the season.  It will depend on how well you embrace each season.


Each season plays an important role and teaches various lessons.  It also call for some techniques to survival.  To survive, you must learn to weather the seasons by being accepting and embracing your specific season and being content.  

You must see yourself, be yourself and acknowledge yourself in each season. As reflected in the pictures, while some things remain, the seasons come and will change the look of things, but should also prepare you for the oncoming season.

Picture yourself spiritually and physically in every season- Do you see you in....

Spring - Are you flowering and budding, beaming with delight and excitement?

Summer - Hot, passionate, on fire, producing fruits and yielding increase?

Fall - Are you preparing others to take your place, training and moving forward to your next assignment? 

Winter - Enduring the coldness of hardship, disappointments, toughing it and standing firm in spite of your pain?

You should not fear the coming of a new season.  If you understand the purpose of each season you will live in the moment.  Do you very best in each season so you won't live with regrets of the season that has passed because you have enjoyed and appreciated the moments.  

Remember, accept the changes that come with each season.  Think on the impact and purpose of the season that you are in, and look forward to the next season with joy.  Know that the seasons cycle, and that with each cycle you will grow and develop.  Learn through each experience, and always remember that there's life in every season!  Weather the seasons and Live Well!

God Bless you and Keep the Faith!

Virtuous Jewel


Friday, February 10, 2017



Most companies offer and provide health benefits to their employees during their term of employment.  Some of the benefits extends even after the employee is deceased.  

If the employee has dependents they too can be covered because of their connection to the employee who has the coverage.  This affords the dependents to have the same benefits assigned to the employee.  

It is important to know what benefit covers, read the privacy terms and conditions. After you accept and sign off, you must put your policy in a safe place and remember what it covers so you can use it as the need arise.  

Psalm 103 (KJV)
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

However, some benefits are contingent on the performance of the employee and will require them to remain in the establishment to receive the coverage. 


God has extended that same coverage to you and your children.  His coverage is everlasting and is contingent on remembering His commandments and doing them. 

Psalm 103:17-18 (KJV)
But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;
To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them. 

Employers and good fathers look to reward extras to the obedient employees and children.  God is a good Father.  He is tender and sympathetic to those who reference Him. He knows you are dust, and your days are few and brief, and like the flowers one day you will soon be blown by the wind.  Therefore, He has extended His mercies and love to you and your children forever.   However, don't take advantage of the mercies and grace of God and cause your children to lose their benefits. 

Remember to obey and follow God's covenant.  Psalms 103 gives a condition of the extension of God's mercies.  It is constant and consistent, and those in your plan can be affected by your lack of reverence and faithfulness.  

God Bless you and Keep the Faith! 

Virtuous Jewel