Parents often tell their children that they don't want them mingling with bad company, but encourage them to sit with company that will influence them with greatness.
Bad company will corrupt good manners- Thus good company will elevate you to greatness.
It is often said birds of a feather flock together. However, the influences of your company will cause you to react in likeness with them. Whatever, character traits they have can have a direct impact on your character. You can also be misjudged by your company.
You are saved by grace and have been raised up together with Christ. Once you have been redeemed and forgiven from your sins, you will enjoy great company with the Savior.
Ephesians 2:6 (KJV) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Today it is important that you check your company to see if you are influenced by common or great company. Ask yourself:
Who am I seated with?
Whose company delights me?
What are the influences that exist as a result of my company? (good or bad)
Remember, your influences come from the company you keep. If you surround yourself with trouble, most like trouble will follow or lead you. There is a company that is of the heavenly hosts that raises you up. This type of company causes you to be seated with greatness. It influences your character- It is rich in mercy and love. That is definitely the type of influences you want that you will be able to influence others to greatness.
God Bless you and Keep the Faith!
Virtuous Jewel