I was admiring this beautiful rose sent to me by my sister Leah Felix and began to notice how the beauty of this rose is fenced by thorns. Not just in the stem but all around.So I began to ponder...
Why are they there?
What's the purpose?
Are they protecting the beautiful rose by being a guard to its fragrance?
I also thought of how often I have picked or held a rose and got pricked by the thorns.
This conversation could go several ways, but I want to send out a message of the heart to my young sisters and daughters!
My heart bleeds to see how our beautiful daughters are being abused, getting pregnant before finishing school or getting married, are just allowing themselves to be used in roles that they are not prepared to be in. Wives, mothers, caretakers, sugar mammas etc... leaving many broken with self esteem issues or other negative emotions and setbacks.
Like the rose, to be picked it comes with the prize and cost of being pricked or perhaps bleed.
You see your petals are soft and sweet and can easily be crushed and destroyed if you are picked from the top. But if you are cut from the stem the thorns will be felt before the rose can be admired.
Daughters your beauty must be guarded. Your fragrance must be preserved. Put a cost on your picking. Keep your guard up until someone, the right someone, is willing to suffer to have you.
Until then be guarded by the thorns that God has placed on you and around you for the one who is willing to bleed for you.
He bled for you because... YOU'RE WORTH IT!
With love from a blooming rose!
Virtuous Jewel